Defensas Penales

Welcome to Defensas Penales. We are a law firm located in the city of Panama specialized in High Profile Criminal Law. Our orientation is to practice law under the ethical principles in a clean way, without acts that may impinge against these principles. As professionals of the Law, we place our vast experience at your disposal, always striving to provide the best attention to your Legal Matters. Our Founding Partner, MR. Orlando Moreno-Murillo, is a member of the Panamanian Association of Labor Law and the Panamanian Institute of Economic and Business Criminal Law.


Legal Services for Businesses

Our law firm offers a range of legal services for businesses, notably among them: Labor Consulting, Administrative Labor Consulting, Financial Labor Consulting, Crimes against Business Assets, Intellectual Property Crime, Copyright Infringement, Unfair Competition Crimes, Industrial Property Crimes, Economic Crimes, Money Laundering.


Legal Services for Natural Persons

Our law firm offers you services in regards to the following aspects of the law: Criminal Law, Environmental Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law and Commercial Law.